Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Massive day

Tankwa - calvinia - Keimoes

Now everyone knew today was going to be a huge challenge due to our obvious lack of pace, every single biker I spoke to told me we wouldn't make it in a day, so many people doubted our plan I even reverted to not telling people that we were doing it in one day to spare us the speech.

We left before sunrise to ride into the daylight, which sounds very romantic but let me tell you something, when your fingers start to feel the morning cold it quickly becomes more of a punishment than a reward to open the throttle.  At first it was cold, then the cold turned into pain and then after an hour the pain went away and that was when I started to worry! Never in my life do I want to be that cold again.

We fueled up in Calvinia and when we wanted to depart we came across our first hurdle, a flat on Flippies rear tyre. He refuses that it was his extra weight that caused this but we had to fix it and quick, otherwise all those bikers would be correct and we wouldn't make it in one day. Superquick helped us out and we were on our way again. Ar this point I must just say the friendliness of the people and the interest in the trip was increasing tenfold. At first people would just stare in disbelief, their next step would be to make a quick snipe at our madness and then the smiles and their own war stories would surface, the people we are meeting is already amazing and its only day 2 of traveling. One gentleman(owner of Calvinia Spar), obviously noticing that Flippie is an avid eater, even gave him a pie while he was waiting for the tyre to be fixed.

It was getting close to sunset and we were getting close to Keimoes and also the Kalahari, this is the reason we came this way and with the setting sun on our left and about 7 hours of traveling in our bums the views were just spectacular. If I was more of a man I would even admit that I got a bit emotional and just realised what an awesome country we live in.

We made it to Keimoes just after dark to be greeted by one of our old Stellies(Tollies) friends Wilhelm Baard, a farmer in the area. He organized us a great braai with enough meet to scare any veagen, and with the braai ending in the early hours with some oldies rock msuic it truely was an epic day!

From Keimoes
Lekker braai
Du Toit
O yes we are a bit computer retarded so we are trying to get the pics posted as soon as possible.


  1. Hey, julle my engelse is te swak. So, ek gaan nie eers probeer om in engels kommentaar te lewer nie. Baie dankie vir die draai wat julle by my kom maak het. Was lekker om weer soos in die onlangse verlede (al 5 jaar) te kan kuier saam julle tot in die ou nag. Sterkte met julle toer verder. Ek hoop die dinge loop mooi.

    Wilhelm S. Baard

  2. Thanks bud ons wardeer dit regtig baie, ons ma's kyk nie eers so goed na ons nie.

    Moerse dankie Du Toit en Flipper
