We had a recap today and came to the conclusion that we are actually way ahead of schedule. Which is really nice if you think that the bikes don't really like driving in mid day temperatures, we don't enjoy waking early, spent 2 nights with a notorious owl of stellenbosch and we also had a flat tyre.
Du toit and I both have a sense of direction its just weird how mine always takes us in the opposite direction of our "planned" destination, now Toit is in sole command of the map.
Upington has some of the more beautiful girls of this world. They also stole our snacks there... we wernt focusing on our backpacks... unfortunately its nightlife sucks and I kinda need the cloak of darkness to sweettalk the fairer sex, 'sigh'.
We dicided we were over South Africa and need to breathe some Nambabwe air so to the border we went. The crossing went well but to get a micro sim in Namibia is as easy as finding water in the Kalahari, wait it's even harder than that, today we found 2 dams full of the essence of life.
Just outside of Ariamsvlei we built our first tent in the riverbed next to the road 7kms outside of town. Now folks that was pure bliss, we had deafening stillness, we had jackel howling, we had a guy chasing his donkey cart at midnight like he was late for the Durban July, We were woken up by some prehistoric animal barking, it seems the animal is also inviseble. O and the stars steel the show, with them i would have had a much better chance with them upington girls...
As a part time job Du Toit builds biological wepons of mass destruction, currently he is building one that a human body can produce if you feed it with biltong and red meat. it has 2 variations one you can hear the sound is simalar to the sound that you might hear if you blow air through your compressed lips the other you dont hear at all, the results are equally devestating... he held evacuation drills through out the night, the only part were not perfecting is performing them in a orderly fashion.
We are having difficulty finding internet and the computers here are still diesel driven, but the updates and tweets are coming.
biker regards
shout out to webdesign in uppington for helping us out with internet facilities, Toit still thinks it's his dashing good looks that did the trick
Post some pics!